Grains Commentary

The overnight markets have once again given a little for everyone as the markets have traded on both sides but seem to gaining some strength through the early AM hours so far.

Grains Commentary

The overnight markets have continued where yesterday left off with gains being posted in nearly every market. The grain market seem to be gaining some interest again as the equity markets have lost nearly 4% in the past week, this lowers the overall bench market of returns for the year and gives some more runway to trade and place risk back on knowing that the equity benchmark is now up 11% rather than 15%.

Grains Commentary

The overnight markets once again are attempting to rebound after yet another disappointing day yesterday. The beans are marginally higher, meal is down in the nearby contracts and higher marginally in the deferred, oil has gained 25-30 points, corn is up 2-3 while wheat has gained 3-4. The bottom line is that the overall market is in a quagmire right now and there is not much influential news.

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